Saturday, December 26, 2009

5 Must Have's on Your Wedding Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! My family and I did not stick to tradition this year but our holiday was definitely enjoyable! While preparing for our New Year and New Decade celebration, I realized a post was long overdue. Today I will share five things a bride should have with her on her wedding day.

1. ) Sanitary supplies (napkins or tampons): Even if your cycle is not due, certain stressful conditions could bring on either spotting or even a full blown cycle. Let's hope you don't need it, but it's best to be prepared.

2.) Band-aids: Yes, you may not have had to use them very frequently since your childhood, but again, it is best to be on the side of caution. A long day ensues and mishaps do happen. Even if you don't need them, someone else may find themselves in need and who really carries band- aids with them all the time?

3.) Breath-mints: You will in close contact with a lot of people on your wedding day. A lot of people will be hugging and kissing you, make sure your breath smells fresh all day long!

4.) Snacks: Yes, there will be food at the reception but ... the time between you waking up, getting ready, getting married and dinner being served at the reception is long. True, the time will fly by, but while it's flying by, you will be busy, being tugged in this direction and that direction and may not find the time to sit down and enjoy a meal. With all the activity, your metabolism will be working just that much faster and you will get hungry, trust me. In case the day begins to slip away from you and you find yourself famished, keep a snack near you during the day. Trail mix or an energy bar are good filling choices.

5.) Sewing kit (or at least some safety pins): Just in case there is a burst or bulge that occurs during the day, have a sewing kit on hand to mend anything that may need mending. If you aren't handy with a needle and thread and there is no one on your team whom is, consider bringing along some safety pins.

If you hire a wedding planner, they should be equipped with a fully stocked emergency kit, thereby making sure the things listed above are handy as well as a host of other things. Also, if you hire a wedding planner your chances of needing anything from the emergency kit become drastically reduced.

If you are in need of a wedding planner, contact 4 Wed Joy at 1-877-4-Wed-Joy for a complimentary consultation and together we will see if we are a compatible match. Your wedding day deserves special attention and your wedding planner should be someone you feel comfortable with, after all, this is someone you will be working closely with for the next several months.

Written by: Carla McCurthon

1 comment:

  1. Like ur blog even though I'm married already=) Another helpful item for wedding day was my back-up powder puff to avoid that shine in pics. We had a hot outdoor wedding many years ago....

    Take care!
